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The secret to a happy indoor cat

The secret to a happy indoor cat

Posted by PetDirect on 13th Oct 2020

All cats need an enriching environment that is similar to the excitement they would experience outdoors. Out in nature, a cat will experience a large variety of engaging experiences, so if you’ve decided to have an indoor cat you will need to provide them with all the right resources they need to thrive.

Absolute must haves for your indoor feline include a place to scratch and stretch, a personal area or areas for their litter box and food bowl, and the ability to be able to play. The right set of products can make all the difference when it comes to fulfilling your indoor cat’s instinctual needs without leaving your home.

Cat trees and scratching posts

Cat poles create the excitement and exercise of climbing, but from within your home. These types of products give your cat the height and space they need to leap, lounge and channel those inner hunting skills.

Scratching is an instinctual behaviour for cats. It helps them stretch, work their claws and also mark their territory. A scratching pole or mat is the perfect indoor solution for your cat (plus it will also save your furniture).

Cat toys

Your cat will love any sort of game that replicate the natural behaviour of hunting. When looking for toys for your indoor cat, you want things that are going to prevent boredom by mentally and physically stimulating them.

Interactive and electronic toys are great toys for sparking their interest. Some use unpredictable motions or lazer lights to replicate the movement of prey, making them ultra fun for chasing. Chaser and ball toys also keep playtime fun. You’ll see your cat’s lighting fast reflexes come out as they catch the balls with their paws, encouraging their instinctual behaviour.

The Slow feeder & puzzle toys provide beneficial mental and physical stimulation. They slow rapid eating and help to fight boredom and obesity by encouraging cats to work for their food. It is important to also spend quality time with your cat and one of the best ways to do this is through play and treats. Why not try enrichment feeding? Instead of just putting your cat’s dinner in her bowl, toss their kibble for them to hunt. Or use tasty treats instead the Temptations range are perfect for this game.

Toys such as teasers and wands are a great way for you and your feline to play together. Giving them the chance to leap in the air to catch their prey.

Use catnip toys to bring their play to the next level, read more about catnip here.

Cat water fountain

Keeping your cat hydrated is a very important aspect of their wellbeing. Experts recommend setting up several hydration areas within the home. Cats prefer flowing water rather than just a regular old water bowl, so to make sure your kitty is regularly hydrating try a water fountain.

Cat litter and litter box

Get the best litter tray for your feline, as cats can be very particular about where they go to the toilet. If the box isn’t right for them, don’t be surprised if they show their disinterest by going toilet in other places around the house. Cats are very private about where they do their business, so putting their toilet spot in a high traffic area of the house may not go down well. Avoid putting the litter box near their food dishes as well, no one likes to eat where they poop! Look for a quiet corner in the living room, or upstairs area of the house (somewhere your cat can also see their surroundings and run away if they need to).

You want to get a litter that is soft, absorbent and layered about 2 to 3 inches high in your cat’s litter box. Our favourites are the Trouble & Trix Cat Litter Natural and the Worlds Best Zero Mess Cat LitterIt’s important to clean your kitty’s litter box regularly as cat’s hate bad smells. Getting a good cat litter scoop will help you with this. Read our blog on how to get your cat to use a litter box here.

Choosing the right food

Choosing the right food for your indoor cat can depend on a few different factors. You may choose to go with an indoor cat food, as these specific formulas have a range of different benefits for your indoor cat including fewer calories, less stool odour, reducing hair balls and they can help your cat maintain a healthy weight.

Typically, it is fine for both indoor and outdoor cats to eat the same diet however, you may notice your indoor cat gaining a little extra weight as they aren’t as active as an outdoor cat. You may also notice your indoor cat getting more hairballs as they usually spend more time grooming themselves. An indoor specific diet may help with these factors. If in doubt, chat to your vet about what is the best option for your feline.

If you have any questions about how to keep your indoor cat happy and healthy, don't hesitate to reach out to one of Pet Direct's Customer Service Experts on 0800 200 240.

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