Not all stressful situations occur in a specific room or space. Our calming spot-ons allow you to provide your pet with continuous reassurance wherever they go.
The cat spot-on contains the Cat Appeasing Pheromone and can be particularly beneficial for cats living in multi-pet households, helping to promote bonding and harmonious living between animals.
The pheromone used in Beaphar CatComfort® is a clinically proven, simple and effective solution to help calm, comfort and reassure cats, and help reduce unwanted behaviour.
Pheromones are naturally produced chemical substances that are instantly recognisable between animals of the same species, triggering an instinctive behavioural response. So, cats can interpret cat pheromones, but won’t recognise or be affected by dog pheromones, and vice versa. This means if you have a cat and a dog that are both prone to nervousness or anxiety, you will need a Beaphar CatComfort ® and a CaniComfort ® product to help reassure both of your pets. Across the range we use three different pheromones, all of which are proven to promote feelings of reassurance and safety.
These pheromones all promote an instinctive calming response, helping your pet to feel relaxed and at ease. By using a synthetic copy of these pheromones in our products, we can mimic this calming effect, helping reassure pets during stressful situations and thus reducing problem behaviour.
Appeasing pheromones are naturally produced by the mother when she nurses her young. These pheromones promote feelings of safety and reassurance, and are a crucial part of the bonding process. In cats, this pheromone is called the Cat Appeasing Pheromone (CAP). As cats are naturally solitary animals, the CAP can be particularly valuable in multicat households, helping to promote harmonious living.
Speed of effect: 15 minutes
Duration: Each spot-on is effective for up to one week
1. Holding the pipette upright, tap the neck section to ensure the contents fall back into the body of the pipette.
2. Carefully snip off the top of the pipette using scissors.
3. Apply the contents of one pipette to the top of your dog’s head, between the ears.
The spot-on must be applied at least 15 minutes before a potentially stressful situation.
If you use a spot-on flea product, this is usually applied between the animal's shoulder blades. Take care to apply the Beaphar CatComfort® Calming Spot-On in a different place to the flea product, ideally between the ears. If this is not possible it is advisable to leave 48 hours between applying the two products.