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Can cats drink milk?

Can cats drink milk?

Posted by PetDirect on 1st Oct 2022

Whether it’s on the screen or in artwork, it’s common to see cats being shown lapping at a deliciously creamy bowl of milk. But is milk actually good for cats and can they drink it? Surprisingly, for most cats the answer is no.

Here’s why cats shouldn’t drink milk.

Why you shouldn’t give milk to kittens or cats

Like humans, animals’ bodies have something called lactase. Lactase is an enzyme, which is a protein that causes a chemical reaction to happen. Lactase is normally produced in the small intestine and it’s used to digest lactose - the natural carbohydrate (sugar) that’s found in milk and other dairy products.

As kittens grow up, their levels of lactase drop dramatically. This means, the older a cat gets, the lower their lactase levels are and the harder it is for them to digest lactose (and milk). Most adult cats are lactose intolerant. If you give a cat milk you can expect to see symptoms of lactose intolerance within 8-12 hours: diarrhoea and vomiting. Even kittens, with their higher lactase levels, can struggle to digest cow’s milk.

The difference between cow’s milk and cat’s milk

Kittens’ first food is their mum’s milk, which might be why you think it’s safe to give your kitten or cat cow’s milk. But these 2 types of milk are made up differently.

Cow’s and goat’s milk have higher levels of lactose than cat’s milk does, which means it’s much harder for kittens and cats to digest.

Milk kittens and cats can enjoy

Even if your kitten or cat laps the occasional bowl of milk and doesn’t develop diarrhoea or vomiting, there aren’t any real health benefits to them drinking milk. But if you’d like to offer them something different from water, you can treat them to cat milk.

It’s formulated to be very similar to their mum’s milk and it doesn’t contain lactose so it’s easily digested. Normally it has added essential vitamins and minerals too. It’s best to keep this as a treat, rather than an addition to their daily diet as it can be high in calories. Keep your kitten or cat’s water bowl full at all times - water is still the best drink for cats’ digestion and overall health.

So there you have it, your complete guide to whether cats can drink milk. If you need any further help or have a question we haven’t answered, contact our friendly Pet Direct Customer Care team on 0800 200 240 or email

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