nullStomorgyl (Spiramycin, Metronidazole) - Pet Direct
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Stomorgyl (Spiramycin, Metronidazole)

Written by Dr. Feargus McConnell, BVSc on the Jan.16, 2024

Petdirect is dedicated to providing educational pet health content for pet parents. This article was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer common questions about your pet’s medication. Our focus is on delivering unbiased information to help you understand how medication works, its potential side effects, and FAQs for your reference. Always administer medication directly as prescribed by your vet. This article shouldn’t take the place of advice from your vet.

What is Stomorgyl?

Stomorgyl is a medication that contains two antibiotics - Spiramycin and Metronidazole. These antibiotics work together to fight against a range of bacteria. Stomorgyl is primarily prescribed for treating infections and inflammations caused by these bacteria, especially those related to mouth problems in cats and dogs. Stomorgyl can be used to treat conditions like Stomatitis, Gingivitis, and Pyorrhea halitosis.

How does it work?

Spiramycin works by inhibiting protein synthesis in bacteria, limiting their growth, while Metronidazole damages the DNA leading to cell death. This combination makes Stomorgyl particularly effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens, especially in dental and periodontal infections in cats and dogs.

Dose and Administration

Follow as instructed by your veterinarian. However typically, the recommended dosage for both dogs and cats once daily orally for a period of 5 to 10 days.


In case of suspected overdose contact your veterinarian or the New Zealand National Poisons Centre at or phone 0800 869 738.

Contraindications and Precautions

Spiramycin is considered critically important to human and animal health. Improper use of this antibiotic can contribute to antibiotic resistance, and it should not be used as a first line treatment. Use this antibiotic only when other treatments have failed or in cases where culture and sensitivity testing indicate it as the best option. Limit antibiotic use to the minimum period needed to meet the clinical objective. Clinical response should be monitored during treatment.

Potential Side Effects

Although not very common some side effects that could occur include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Anorexia
  • Weakness
  • Brown urine colour

It is important to contact your veterinarian if any of the above is observed.

Storage and Handling

Store at room temperature in a dry place, protected from light. Keep it in the original packaging and out of reach of children and other pets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Stomorgyl be used for pets other than cats and dogs?

  • No, Stomorgyl is specifically formulated for cats and dogs.

What should I do if I miss a dose?

  • If you miss a dose, administer it as soon as possible. However, if it's almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with the regular schedule.

Can Stomorgyl be used in conjunction with other medications?

  • Consult your veterinarian before using Stomorgyl with other medications, as it should not be used concurrently with certain antibiotics.

Is a prescription required for Stomorgyl?

  • Yes, Stomorgyl is available only with a veterinary prescription.

What are the possible side effects of Stomorgyl in pets?

  • While Stomorgyl is generally well-tolerated, it may cause vomiting or diarrhoea.


We hope this article provides a clear understanding of Stomorgyl for your pet. Remember, always seek advice from your veterinarian for any health-related decisions for your pets.