nullSemintra (Telmisartan) - Pet Direct
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Semintra (Telmisartan)

Written by Dr. Feargus McConnell, BVSc on the Jan.16, 2024

Petdirect is dedicated to providing educational pet health content for pet parents. This article was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer common questions about your pet’s medication. Our focus is on delivering unbiased information to help you understand how medication works, its potential side effects, and FAQs for your reference. Always administer medication directly as prescribed by your vet. This article shouldn’t take the place of advice from your vet.

What Is Semintra?

Semintra Oral solution contains Telmisartan as the primary active ingredient which is commonly used in cats to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and excessive protein leakage into the urine (proteinuria) due to chronic kidney disease (CKD). While it can be given alone, Semintra is often used in combination with other medications to manage these conditions effectively. It is essential to use Semintra under the guidance and discretion of a veterinarian. In certain circumstances, Semintra might be prescribed off-label for use in dogs for treating similar health conditions. This would be considered off-label use and must only be done under the strict supervision of a vet.

How does it work?

The active ingredient Telmisartan belongs to a class of medications known as angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). It functions by lowering blood pressure and reducing proteinuria. It works by relaxing blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure and helps in managing hypertension, a common issue in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Additionally, Telmisartan reduces the leakage of protein into urine, a condition known as proteinuria, which is both a symptom and a contributor to the progression of kidney disease. These actions help to slow down the deterioration of kidney function, thereby improving the overall wellbeing of pets with CKD.

Dose and Administration

Follow your veterinarian’s directions or the instructions on the drug label for dosage and administration. Simitra Oral Solution for Cats is usually administered once daily directly into the mouth or with a small amount of food.

Missed dose:

It is important to consult with your veterinarian for advice if you miss giving a dose. Typically, give the missed dose when you remember, unless it is close to the next dose, in which case, skip the missed dose and give the medication at the regular scheduled time. Do not double dose this medication.


Symptoms of overdose may include lethargy, loss of appetite, trembling, vomiting, abnormal heart rate, or low blood pressure. In case of suspected overdose, immediately seek veterinary care or contact the New Zealand National Poisosns Centre at or phone 0800 869 738.

Contraindications and Precautions

Discussing your pet’s current medications and medical conditions with your veterinarian is crucial before starting Semintra, as interactions with other drugs can pose health risks.

It is important to follow your veterinarian's recommendations to determine if this medication is appropriate for your pet. However, it is generally advised to avoid this medication in conditions such as pregnancy, low blood pressure (hypotension), dehydration, abnormal electrolyte levels, liver disease, or those hypersensitive to the medication.

Potential Side Effects

Semintra® is well tolerated in cats. Rarely reported side effects primarily include mild and temporary gastrointestinal issues like vomiting, diarrhoea, and weight loss. However, other potential side effects, such as fainting and weakness due to low blood pressure, and anaemia, may also occur.


Store Semintra at controlled room temperatures, protecting it from moisture and light.

After the initial opening of the packaging, the shelf life is approximately 6 months, hence it is advised to dispose of the product after this period.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Semintra (Telmisartan) help pets with kidney disease?

  • It lowers blood pressure in the kidneys and reduces protein leakage into the urine.

Can dogs be treated with Semintra?

  • While Semintra is commonly used for cats, Telmisartan, its active ingredient, is also used for treating certain conditions in dogs. However, it’s use in dogs is considered off-label. Always consult your veterinarian for the appropriate treatment for your dog.

Is Semintra a cure for my pet’s chronic kidney disease?

  • Semintra can play a significant role in improving the quality of life for pets with CKD and potentially slowing the progression of the disease. However, it's important to note that while Semintra can be beneficial in managing these aspects of kidney disease, it is not a cure for CKD. Ongoing veterinary care and monitoring are essential for pets diagnosed with kidney disease.


We hope this article provides a clear understanding of Semintra for your pet. Remember, always seek advice from your veterinarian for any health-related decisions for your pets.