nullRimadyl (Carprofen) - Pet Direct
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Rimadyl (Carprofen)

Written by Dr. Feargus McConnell, BVSc on the Jan.16, 2024

Petdirect is dedicated to providing educational pet health content for pet parents. This article was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer common questions about your pet’s medication. Our focus is on delivering unbiased information to help you understand how medication works, its potential side effects, and FAQs for your reference. Always administer medication directly as prescribed by your vet. This article shouldn’t take the place of advice from your vet.

What is Rimadyl?

Rimadyl is a brand name medication containing Carprofen as the active ingredient. This medication is commonly used to manage pain and inflammation in conditions such as osteoarthritis or post-surgical pain. Rimadyl® (Carprofen) is available in 25mg, 75mg and 100mg concentrations. The appropriate dosage for your pet will be determined based on your veterinarian's recommendation.

How does it work?

Carprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It functions by reducing inflammation, pain, and fever in dogs. It achieves this by blocking certain pathways (COX pathways) responsible for triggering inflammation. Notably, Carprofen tends to block more of the inflammatory pathways while having fewer negative effects on beneficial pathways, making it a good option for dogs.

Dose and Administration

Rimadyl® is typically dosed based on your dog's weight and pain level. This palatable chewable tablet can be given with or without food, however taking it with food may reduce stomach upset risks. Always adhere to your vet's guidance on dosage and treatment duration. Its flexible dosing (2-4 mg/kg) allows personalised adjustment for your dog's needs, gradual increase for worsening arthritis, and targeted treatment for flare-ups.


In case of a suspected overdose, it is crucial to seek immediate veterinary assistance or the New Zealand National Poisons Centre ( or phone 0800 869 738).

Contraindications and Precautions

Do not administer other NSAIDs at the same time or within 24 hours of each other. Carprofen should not be given with corticosteroids as it can increase the risk of dangerous side effects like intestinal bleeding and ulceration. Do not use it where there is a possibility of stomach ulceration or intestinal bleeding. Do not use it in dogs suffering from heart, liver or kidney disease. Avoid use in any dehydrated animal.

Potential Side Effects

While Rimadyl® is generally well-tolerated, some dogs may experience side effects such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Decreased appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Constipation

More serious side effects can include:

  • Black or bloody stools
  • Increased thirst or urination
  • Pale or yellow gums
  • Yellowing of the eyes
  • Incoordination
  • Seizures
  • Behavioural changes

If you witness these side effects in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Store Rimadyl® between at room temperature, and ensure it is kept out of reach of pets and children. The chewable tablets are palatable, so it is essential to store them securely to prevent accidental ingestion by pets.


Veterinarians often recommend routine testing, such as blood work, for pets on Rimadyl®. This helps monitor the pet's response to the medication and ensures their continued well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take for Rimadyl® (Carprofen) to start working in dogs?

  • It is important to follow the advised veterinary instructions specified to your pet, however It usually reaches peak blood levels within 1-3 hours. Visible improvement in your pet might take a few days.

Is Carprofen in Rimadyl® the same as Tramadol or Ibuprofen?

  • No. While all three are pain relievers, they belong to different classes of medications and work differently. Importantly, do not give human medications to pets without consulting a vet.

Is Carprofen safe for all dogs?  

  • Carprofen is usually well-tolerated, but like any medication, it can cause side effects in some dogs. It's important to consult with your veterinarian to determine if Carprofen is suitable for your pet.


Rimadyl® (Carprofen) can be an effective medication for managing pain and inflammation in dogs. However, like all medications, it should be used under the guidance of a veterinarian to ensure the safety and health of your pet. Regular monitoring and adhering to prescribed dosages are important for the well-being of your dog.