nullEnalapril (Rinetec, Acetec) - Pet Direct
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Enalapril (Rinetec, Acetec)

Written by Dr. Feargus McConnell, BVSc on the Jan.16, 2024

Petdirect is dedicated to providing educational pet health content for pet parents. This article was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer common questions about your pet’s medication. Our focus is on delivering unbiased information to help you understand how medication works, its potential side effects, and FAQs for your reference. Always administer medication directly as prescribed by your vet. This article shouldn’t take the place of advice from your vet.

What is Enalapril?

Enalapril (brand names: Rinetec, Acetec) is a prescribed generic medication commonly used to manage certain health conditions such as high blood pressure (hypertension) and congestive heart failure in pets. It can also be used to treat kidney failure or diseases that cause protein leakage into the urine. While Enalapril is often used in dogs for mild to severe heart failure, it can also be prescribed for cats to treat chronic kidney disease.

How does it work?

Enalapril is classified as an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, a type of medication that expands blood vessels, leading to lower blood pressure and enhanced blood flow. In kidney disease, it acts to decrease kidney blood pressure, helping to reduce protein leakage into the urine, while in congestive heart failure, it eases the heart's workload by reducing overall blood pressure.

Dose and Administration

The dosage of Enalapril varies, however it is typically administered orally once or twice daily or as prescribed by your veterinarian. It's crucial to follow the veterinarian's instructions and not alter the medication dosage without consultation.


In case of an overdose, immediate veterinary attention is necessary. Symptoms of overdose may include extremely low blood pressure, signs of kidney failure, and lethargy. If you suspect an overdose, contact your emergency veterinarian immediately or contact the New Zealand National Poisons Centre at or phone 0800 869 738.

Contraindications and Precautions

Use Enalapril cautiously in pets with dehydration and ensure pets always have access to clean drinking water. Avoid use in pets with acute kidney disease, and liver damage. Avoid use of Enalapril with pregnant or lactating pets.

Potential Side Effects

Enalapril is generally well-tolerated. Some common side effects in pets may include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Weakness
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Cough
  • Changes in thirst and urination
  • Oedema (swelling of the limbs)
  • Lethargy
  • Fever

In rare cases, allergic reactions like swelling of the face or lips, hives, and difficulty breathing may occur. If any of the symptoms above are observed, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Store Enalapril tablets at room temperature below 25C, keeping it in a tightly sealed container, away from light and moisture. Always store medications out of reach of children and pets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Enalapril be given to both dogs and cats?

  • Yes, Enalapril is prescribed for both dogs and cats. It may be used to treat heart disease in dogs and chronic kidney disease in cats. Its use is off-label and it is vital to follow your vet’s instructions. Do not give Enalapril to your pet without consulting a vet.

What should I do if I miss giving a dose to my pet?

  • Consult your veterinarian for guidance. Generally, you may be advised to administer the dose when remembered or skip it if it's almost time for the next dose.

Can Enalapril interact with other medications my pet is taking?

  • Enalapril is often prescribed in conjunction with other medications. It's important to inform your veterinarian about all medications and supplements your pet is currently taking. This is because some drugs may increase the risk of side effects when used with Enalapril, while others might reduce its effectiveness. Your veterinarian will consider these factors to ensure safe and effective treatment for your pet.


Enalapril can be an effective medication for managing heart disease and kidney issues in pets. However, it's crucial to follow your veterinarian's advice regarding its use. We hope this article provides a clear understanding of Enalapril for your pet. Remember, always seek advice from your veterinarian for any health-related decisions for your pets.