nullElocon (Mometasone Furoate) - Pet Direct
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Elocon (Mometasone Furoate)

Written by Dr. Feargus McConnell, BVSc on the Jan.16, 2024

Petdirect is dedicated to providing educational pet health content for pet parents. This article was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer common questions about your pet’s medication. Our focus is on delivering unbiased information to help you understand how medication works, its potential side effects, and FAQs for your reference. Always administer medication directly as prescribed by your vet. This article shouldn’t take the place of advice from your vet.

What is Elocon Lotion?

Elocon is a corticosteroid lotion used to treat skin conditions in cats and dogs. It is a human medication that may be prescribed off-label by a veterinarian for use in pets. Elocon contains Mometasone Furoate, a corticosteroid used to treat inflamed and itchy skin conditions in cats and dogs. These conditions may also be associated with bacterial or yeast infections.

How does it work?

Mometasone furoate, the active ingredient in Elocon, is a synthetic corticosteroid that reduces inflammation, itching, and swelling. It works by:

  • Mometasone furoate suppresses immune system activity by binding to skin cell receptors, reducing inflammation produced by immune cells.
  • Reduces inflammation, redness, and itching by inhibiting the production of enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of inflammatory chemicals.

Dose and Administration

Apply the medication according to the veterinarian's instructions, focusing on the exact dose and the specific area to be treated.

If the affected area to be treated is dirty, clean and dry the area, unless your vet advises otherwise.

Wear Gloves: It's advisable to wear gloves to prevent absorption into your skin.

Application: Apply a thin layer of Elocon to the affected area as directed. Avoid applying more than recommended.

Avoid Eyes, Nose, Mouth: Be careful to avoid contact with the pet’s eyes, nose, and mouth. If the medication gets in these areas accidentally, rinse with plenty of water.

Wash Hands: After applying the medication, wash your hands thoroughly.

Prevent Licking: Try to distract your pet for several minutes after application to prevent licking the treated area. You might need to use an Elizabethan collar (cone of shame) or protective garment (e.g. t-shirt) if recommended by your vet.

Observe for Side Effects: Watch your pet for any signs of adverse reactions, such as increased itching, irritation, or any unusual behaviour, and report these to your vet.

Follow-Up: Adhere to any follow-up instructions your vet has given you. This might include how often to apply the medication and when to return for a check-up.

Missed Dose:

If a dose is missed, administer it as soon as you remember. However, if it's nearly time for the next dose, skip the missed one and resume the regular dosing schedule. Never double up doses.

Contraindications and Precautions

Do not use in pets known to have a hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or any of the excipients in the formulation.

Viral Infections: Such as those caused by herpes, because topical steroids may exacerbate these conditions.

Fungal Infections: Application on fungal infections can worsen the condition as it may mask symptoms and delay diagnosis and treatment.

Bacterial Infections: Use on bacterial skin infections without using appropriate antibacterial therapy can lead to worsening of the infection.

Parasitic Infections: Conditions like mange (caused by mites) should not be treated with Elocon as it can interfere with the body's response to the parasites.

Open Wounds or Ulcerated Skin: Steroids may delay wound healing and increase the risk of systemic absorption leading to side effects.

Pregnant or Lactating Animals: The safety of Elocon in pregnant or lactating pets has not been established. Steroids can potentially cause harm to developing foetuses or nursing young.

Potential Side Effects

Elocon lotion is generally well-tolerated. However, like any medication, it may cause side effects. Side effects may include delayed wound healing and increased risk of skin infections. Prolonged use of topical steroids can lead to skin thinning, hormonal imbalances, localised hair loss, skin atrophy, and secondary adrenal insufficiency. If any of the above symptoms occur, contact your veterinarian.


Store the medication in the refrigerator or at room temperature between 2°C and 25°C, and discard 28 days after first use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Elocon be used on all pets?

  • This article is focused on use in cats and dogs. Always consult a veterinarian before use in pets.

What are the main uses of this lotion in pets?

  • It is primarily used for treating inflammatory and pruritic skin conditions.

How long does it take for Elocon to work?

  • This can vary depending on the severity and type of condition your pet has. Typically it can take effect within 1 to 2 hours. Noticeable improvement may take 3 or more days.


Elocon is a topical medication used in the treatment of certain skin conditions in cats and dogs. We hope this article provides a clear understanding of Elocon Lotion for your pet. Remember, always seek advice from your veterinarian for any health-related decisions for your pets.