nullEasotic (Hydrocortisone, Gentamicin, Miconazole) - Pet Direct
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Easotic (Hydrocortisone, Gentamicin, Miconazole)

Written by Dr. Feargus McConnell, BVSc on the Jan.16, 2024

Petdirect is dedicated to providing educational pet health content for pet parents. This article was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer common questions about your pet’s medication. Our focus is on delivering unbiased information to help you understand how medication works, its potential side effects, and FAQs for your reference. Always administer medication directly as prescribed by your vet. This article shouldn’t take the place of advice from your vet.

What is Easotic?

Easotic is a treatment for ear infections in dogs. It is a veterinary-prescribed treatment for otitis externa, an ear condition often caused by yeast or bacterial infections. Easotic comprises three active components: Hydrocortisone, a glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory properties; Gentamicin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic; and Miconazole nitrate, an antifungal. These ingredients work together to provide a comprehensive treatment for ear infections.

How does it work?

Easotic is a medication that uses a combination of three active ingredients to treat ear infections. Hydrocortisone is included to provide fast anti-inflammatory effects with minimal side effects on the body as a whole. Gentamicin is used to target bacterial infections, acting as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Miconazole nitrate is a broad-spectrum antifungal that addresses the fungal aspects of the infection. This combination of ingredients ensures a comprehensive approach that reduces inflammation and addresses the root cause of the infection.

Dose and Administration

Follow your veterinarians instructions and give as directed. Easotic is administered with a pump action. Before initial use, prime the canister by pressing the pump 1 to 2 times. For application, carefully insert the cannula into the dog's external ear canal and administer 1 mL (one pump) once daily or as directed by your vet. Gently massage the dog's ear after administration. Wash hands after applying.

Contraindications and Precautions

Easotic should not be used in dogs with hypersensitivity to its components or known tympanic membrane (ear drum) perforation. Its safety in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs has not been established.

Potential Side Effects

Ototoxicity, vestibular dysfunction, and renal toxicity are known risks associated with aminoglycoside antibiotics like Gentamicin sulphate. Usage in dogs with a damaged tympanic membrane (ear drum) could harm hearing and balance structures or worsen the infection. Reports of temporary hearing loss and skin redness at the application site have been noted, typically resolving upon discontinuation.

If any of the above present, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Store Easotic at room temperature, avoiding extreme heat. Keep out of reach of children and other pets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I prevent ear infections in my dog?

  • Regular ear cleaning and drying after swimming or bathing can help prevent infections. Discuss with your vet about managing allergies and other health issues that might contribute to ear problems.

What is Easotic?

  • Easotic is a prescription ear drop for dogs that treats otitis externa caused by yeast and bacteria.

What are the side effects of Easotic?

  • Possible side effects include temporary hearing loss or discomfort in the ear, allergic reaction, such as swelling, severe itching, or redness. If you notice any signs contact your vet right away.

Can Easotic be used in all dogs?

  • Easotic is safe for use in dogs older than 7 weeks. It should not be used in dogs with perforated eardrums, or those allergic to any of its components. Always consult with your veterinarian to ensure it is appropriate for your dog.

How long does it take for Easotic to work?

  • Improvement can often be seen within a few days of starting treatment, but it's important to complete the full course of medication even if your dog seems to feel better, to ensure the infection is fully treated.

Can Easotic be used with other medications?

  • Easotic should be used with caution when combined with other medications, especially those affecting the ear or those with potential interactions with its active ingredients. Discuss any other medications your dog is taking with your veterinarian.


Easotic offers a targeted approach to treating ear infections in dogs. As always, consult your veterinarian for advice tailored to your pet's specific needs.