nullApoquel® (Oclacitinib) - Pet Direct
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Apoquel® (Oclacitinib)

Written by Dr. Feargus McConnell, BVSc on the Jan.25, 2024

Petdirect is dedicated to providing educational pet health content for pet parents. This article was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer common questions about your pet’s medication. Our focus is on delivering unbiased information to help you understand how medication works, its potential side effects, and FAQs for your reference. Always administer medication directly as prescribed by your vet. This article shouldn’t take the place of advice from your vet.

What is Apoquel®?

Apoquel® is a medication prescribed by veterinarians to treat itching and inflammation in dogs, particularly related to allergies. It functions by targeting specific signals in the dog's body responsible for itching, thus providing relief. Apoquel® is known for its rapid action, usually starting to work within 4 hours and significantly reducing itching within 24 hours. It is used either for short-term allergic flare-ups or as a long-term solution in managing skin allergies.

How does it work?

Apoquel® operates by inhibiting Janus kinase, a crucial signal in the canine body that triggers itching and inflammation due to allergies. By blocking this signal, Apoquel® addresses the root cause of itching at a cellular level and may also reduce the impact of certain inflammatory signals. This action helps in reducing the urge to scratch, thereby alleviating skin inflammation caused by allergies.

Dose and Administration

Apoquel® should be administered as per the directions on the label and those provided by your veterinarian. It can be given with or without food. If vomiting occurs post-administration, try giving it with a meal after consulting your vet. Apoquel® is approved for dogs aged 12 months and older.

Missed dose:

In case of a missed dose, administer it as soon as remembered but skip it if the next dose is nearly due. Avoid double dosing.

Contraindications and Precautions

Apoquel® should not be used in breeding, pregnant, or nursing dogs. Inform your veterinarian about any infections your dog may have or develop during treatment, such as skin, ear or eye infections.

Potential Side Effects

Common side effects include vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, lethargy, and increased thirst. More severe side effects can occur. Monitor your dog for signs of infections, skin changes, or skin masses, and consult your veterinarian if these occur.


Store Apoquel® at room temperature below 25°C. Keep it in a tightly closed container to protect from moisture and light, and store out of reach of children and pets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does Apoquel® do for dogs?

  • Apoquel® relieves itching in dogs caused by allergic skin diseases by inhibiting an important itch signal and reducing inflammation.

How long can a dog take Apoquel®?

  • The duration of treatment with Apoquel® varies; it can be short-term or long-term based on your veterinarian’s recommendation.

Is there a generic version of Apoquel®?

  • Currently, no generic version of Apoquel® is available.

Why is Apoquel® unique?

  • Apoquel® is unique as it specifically inhibits the itch signal in allergic reactions, offering targeted relief from itching.


We hope this article provides a clear understanding of Apoquel for your pet. Remember, always seek advice from your veterinarian for any health-related decisions for your pets.