Pets get anxious for a variety of reasons such as being around strangers, other dogs, cars etc., but even more so when it is unexpected like sudden noises. Fireworks is another reason your pet can become anxious and distressed. Unlike a thunderstorm, the bangs and flashes from fireworks are unnatural and your pet just isn’t able to sense it coming like they would sense the drop in barometric pressure, etc. before a storm hits. Some signs of an anxious pet may be:
- Avoidance behaviours. This could be your pet cowering with tucked tails or flattened ears or hiding under furniture.
- Toilet accidents. Cats may go outside their litterbox or elsewhere in the house (especially a hidden quiet corner), whereas dogs may toilet where they shouldn't like your bed or couch as the anxiousness may lead to less control over bladder function.
- Louder or more frequent vocalisations. You may hear your dog start to bark loudly and frantically, or hear them whining/whimpering, when they encounter something stressful or that triggers their anxiety. Cats are similar and may meow more, yowl, or whine during stressful situations.
Combined with the possibility of people coming and going from you or your neighbours backyard or house during a fireworks night, this may cause anxiety and distress in your cat or dog. It is also important to remember that cats and dogs have excellent hearing, which means sounds can be louder to them than we perceive.
Learn more about anxiety in cats.
Learn more about anxiety in dogs.