Sterigene is a pet safe, highly effective disinfectant commonly by veterinarians, kennels, catteries etc. It is non-toxic, non-staining, non-irritant, non-tainting and non-corrosive when used as directed. Suitable for use on all surfaces, chairs, floors, walls and appliances.
Sterigene is a mixture of halogenated tertiary anine and organic salts <15%, polymeric biguanide hydrochloride surface active agents corrosion inhibitor, chelating agents, stabilising agents and demineralised water. Sterigene is free of aldehydes, chlorine and phenols and is concentrated for on-site dilution.
Effective against a range of germs and viruses
Concentrated for on-site dilution
Suitable for use on a range of surfaces
For High-Risk Conditions Dilute 1:100, For Lower-Risk General Purpose Disinfection Dilute 1:200