These bags are big, strong and leak-proof.
Coming in at 22.5 x 33cm they are extra long and thick to protect your hands. Made using 40% post-consumer recycled material, every roll of bags comes on a recycled cardboard core, the cardboard packaging is recycled and recyclable. These rolls will fit in all standard bag dispensers.
Yes they're thin, but that's ideal, nice and compact and eco-friendly.
Quite tricky in winter to rip and open, overly 'tough'
Nice bags and easy to open but ripping bags off the role has many a times ripped the bag. Only way is to really look for the rip point and start it carefully. Prefer other brands
Strong, larger and reliable compared to other brands. Before I tried these, I was so tired of thin bags that threaten to break or did break or stretch or even let too much stink out. These have been very good to have on walks. Totally recommend