Aqua One Vac-A-Tank Aquarium Gravel Cleaner - Petdirect
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Aqua One Vac-A-Tank Aquarium Gravel Cleaner

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An essential for any fish owner - the Aqua One Vac-A-Tank gravel cleaner makes aquarium maintenance easy for you and great for your fish! 

Removing debris from your gravel is a critical function of maintaining your tank. It not only keeps your gravel looking great, it helps remove a lot of matter from the gravel that can be toxic to your tank, with nasties like nitrates and ammonia, which potentially can be harmful for your fish.

Key Benefits:

  • Quick start Siphon
  • Cleans your gravel of waste
  • Use as an aid to your essential water changes
  • Non-kink hosing
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Low flow for aquariums and all gravel sizes


  • Make sure you have all the necessary cleaning aids before you start the siphon. We recommend a bucket and a towel in case of Spillage, and Aqua One Water Conditioner to add to the tank water you will use to refill the tank.
  • Handy tip - this is a good time to use your glass cleaners to scrape any residue off the glass as any additional debris can then be cleaned up with the vacuum process!
  • Place your Vac-A-Tank 10cm above the level of the gravel, and lower the clear tube into the bucket. As you lower the hose into the bucket get ready to start the siphon.
  • Move your Vac-A-Tank up and down rapidly to create the siphon. Once the flow starts remember all you need to do to stop the flow is put your thumb over the end of the hose in the bucket.
  • Concentrate on small sections of gravel at a time, by pushing the vacuum into the gravel then slowly lifting the vacuum out of the gravel. You will see some gravel travel up the main body o the cleaner. Do not worry, as this gravel will fall back into your aquarium as the debris is separated.
  • Once you have completed the water change (approx 25-30% is recommended with regular maintenance routines),  prepare your new aquarium water by adding water conditioner to remove chlorine and heavy metals. 
  • If you have sand substrate extra care should be taken when siphoning, and you may need to siphon above the surface of the sand to prevent it from being sucked into the tube.
  • Care should be taken with planted aquariums to not disturb the root systems.