Completely 100% natural preservative developed (& made) in NZ for use in high-end human skincare & cosmetic products.
We've also used a natural surfactant that doesn’t have a high foaming action like most non-natural shampoos. Significant research has gone into developing the ideal consistency for working into all types of pet coats yet rinsing out easily.
Water, Saponified Organic Sunflower & Coconut oils, Glycerine (organic), Evening Primrose oil, Lavender Pure Essential oil, Potassium citrate, Citric acid.
Wet your pet thoroughly down to the skin. Warm water is always better than cold. Pour a little shampoo onto their coat and massage in to work up a good lather all over. Add more shampoo as you need it, depending on size of yor pet. Give your pet a really good massage, this is meant to be enjoyable. Rinse coat thoroughly.
As with any shampoo, please keep out of eyes.